
The Art of Being Whole

A personal account of grit, love, and fearless living

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” – FATHER PIERRE TEILHARD DE CHARDIN.

Let’s go on a journey together and discover how we shed the ego, slink out of the abyss and ascend towards the light retaining a passion and love for oneself and others that defies our imagination. Our past doesn’t define us, nor does our future. We are defined by the value and love we store within our hearts, and it is this loving action that imprints itself in indelible ink upon the world as we move swiftly through the labyrinth. Join me on this journey as we awaken ourselves to new possibilities while we release the toxicity and embrace the joy.

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I Am Pink

A formulaic life. That’s what Justin Polo has been taught to want. Education followed by career followed by family, all of it tethered to the promise of happiness. But so far it’s been a maze both deadening and dead-ending.

As he nears a career high, Justin finds himself teetering at the edge of a crash and burn that forces him to seek what he thinks will be a temporary respite. He believes all he needs is a re-charge that will allow him to keep it together, to hang on to a life he’s living by rote.

Set on the lush island of Kauai, Justin’s journey begins as a tropical escape but quickly pivots to a top-to-bottom reset that challenges all he’s been taught to believe about himself and the world. Love opens and then remakes his heart. Life takes on a rainbow of colors both frightening and liberating. Old armor sloughs off revealing a newness that is tender and painful-yet exhilarating.

Take this journey with Justin. Perhaps you’ll see in it something of your own. Perhaps there is another design waiting for you.

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